Is the Commission Still Great?   •   Week 10

Don’t Fall for the Con

Facilitator Tip
Ice Breaker & Snacks

Ice Breaker Activity

Have everyone build an Eiffel Tower out of pretzel sticks and mini marshmallows. Points for whoever can build the tallest tower in five minutes!


Obviously, you should eat the leftover building supplies (pretzel sticks and marshmallows) from your tower building project. We recommend leaving it up to group members whether they want to eat or preserve their masterpieces. If you want to add something extra for this final week, try thinking French: frozen eclairs, mini croissants, or French fries.

Chapter Summary
Facilitation Recommendations

“There is no neutral ground in the universe: every square inch, every splitsecond, is claimed by God and counterclaimed by Satan.” –C.S. Lewis


Chapter Summary

Facilitation Recommendations

Parisians fell in love with the Eiffel Tower because it democratized the view. For the first time, normal people could afford a ticket to see the expanse of the city. The Great Commission does the same for us. Every Christian has an opportunity to admire God’s big picture plan for redeeming representatives from all the peoples of the earth and find their place within the worldwide, millennia-old panorama. In 1925 a conman successfully sold the Eiffel Tower to scrap metal dealers—twice. God is not going to allow His redemptive plan for the world to fail any more than Paris is going to sell its beloved Eiffel Tower for scrap, but that doesn’t stop our enemy from trying. Don’t fall for the con. Especially not more than once. Our Commission is great because our God is worthy.

Discussion Questions
Need some extra questions?

Questions from the Book

Additional Questions

  1. How have your thinking and actions changed over the last ten weeks?
  2. What questions do you have about missions now? How will you go about answering them?
  3. What one idea from this discussion group has had the biggest impact on you? What difference will it make on your life in the coming months?
  4. Which of the enemy’s cons are you most susceptible to? Who can you share with to help you process and move past your barriers or fears?
  5. How do you feel God leading you to engage in his global mission right now? In five years?
  6. Does your church know how you feel the Lord is leading you?
  7. How can Pioneers help you in your missions journey?
  8. What is your key takeaway from this group? What are you going to do differently this week as a result of what you learned?
  9. How do you plan to maintain your enthusiasm for the Great Commission after this group ends? Who could you share this book with or invite to participate in a group like this one?