Ice Breaker Activity
Discussion Question: Have you ever inherited anything of sentimental value? What about financial value?
Activity Idea: Find a YouTube video of some simple line dance steps and give it a try as a group, even if you don’t have any Pacific Islanders among you.
Let’s not let carrots control our lives, but we can still enjoy them! We think carrots are at their absolute best in the form of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. You can pick one up at a bakery, buy a boxed mix or break out the grater and make one from scratch.
“To know the will of God, we need an open Bible and an open map.” –William Carey
Chapter Summary
As Christians, we have the words of life that provide redemption and salvation for anyone who believes. The accelerating pace of global change requires that the Western Church recalibrate our missions strategies, but let’s not misinterpret that as an opportunity to opt out. There has never been a more exciting time to be involved in world missions. The key question for believers in the West should not be, Will we play a part? but, What is our best contribution? Westerners are particularly well-suited to be encouragers, catalysts, connectors, resourcers and pioneers. We must fulfill these roles not only with the right strategies, but also with the right attitudes: we must be biblical, collaborative, strategic and creative. We must also avoid the tasty carrots our enemy offers as excuses and distractions.
Questions from the Book
- How do you think Westerners can best contribute to world missions?
- Do any other “tasty carrots” about missions come to mind?
- Reflecting on this book, what misperception do you think has the biggest negative impact on you or your church?
Additional Questions
- Do you usually think of the Great Commission as a command to be obeyed or a treasure to be celebrated? Do you see a biblical argument for both perspectives? What difference would it make if you saw it the opposite way?
- How do you respond emotionally to the idea that Global South church leaders still want Westerners to participate? How did you anticipate them responding?
- Which of the five roles listed in the chapter (encourager, catalyst, connector, resourcer, pioneer) resonate the most with you?
- Which of the “tasty carrots” listed in this chapter most resonate with you? Who could you talk to about your hesitations and concerns?
- Of the different ways to reach God’s world, which interest you most? How are you currently reaching the world? How do you want to in the future?
- What barriers might keep you from taking part in God’s global mission?
- How has God gotten you through past barriers in your life or situations that felt like barriers?
- What is your key takeaway from this week’s discussion? What are you going to do differently this week as a result of what you learned?